Magazine Template Final

Workspace Preparation:

¯ First, of all you have to decide what part of the school you want to represent.
¯ Choose pictures; come up with quotes about your theme.

Creation Process Beginning Steps:

¯        Insert the images that you want to use; it doesn’t matter where you place them.
¯        Also insert text, the tittle, theme (subject) or any quotes, summary.
¯        TEXT:
 - word: football.
1st: Gill Sans MT color: #00BFFF size: 95pt.
2nd: Separate each letter “F O O T B A L L”
*in my case I used football as the title of the page.
-word: SYH.(caps)
1st: Eras Demi ITC color: # FFD700 size: 200pt.
2nd: go to effects; & add…
-Drop Shadow
-Inner Shadow
-Inner Glow
-Bevel & Emboss
-word: COUGARS (caps)
1ST: Gill Sans MT color: #000000 size: 90pt.         
-phrase: expecting high scores
1st:  Gill Sans MT color: # FFD700 size: 60 pt.
2nd: add effects: Drop Shadow
- Phrase: bringing all our spirit

1st: Gill sans MT size: 55pt color: # FFFFFF

Creation Process Continued:


Creation Process Finalized:


Publication Process:



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            I enjoyed doing this project because it’s similar of what I want to study. I want to become a professional, and here is a taste of my skills. This two page magazine spread is part of a yearbook, football section. I wanted to represent the most important, spiritual sport. The reason I believe is the most important of our school is because it’s when student decide to come and support them. We all enjoy the game and even bring our spirit.